Rhodotypos scandens (シロヤマブキ)

Flowers of rhodotypos scandens are in bloom next to #224 in HOSHINOYA. Since this tree is planted at the corner of the road, I barely missed crashing the car into it a few days ago. The Japanese name of this is shiro-yamabuki, meaning “white Kerria japonica.” However, this flower is not in the family of Kerria. It was named just because its appearance is similar to Kerria japonica. Then, how can we distinguish them? Well, see their petals and you’ll see the difference. Kerria japonica is a five-petaled flower. In contrast, rhodotypos scandens has only four petals.

星のや水波224号室の横に咲いている、シロヤマブキです。角に咲いているから、数日前 運転中危うくぶつかりそうになったお花です(笑)ヤマブキという名前がついているのですが、実は似ているだけでヤマブキとは全くの別物。ヤマブキとシロヤマブキの見分け方のポイントは、ヤマブキの花は5弁なのに対し、シロヤマブキの花は4弁だということ!覚えておいたら、豆知識になるかも♪

Trigonotis guilielmii (タチカメバソウ)

After crossing two bridges at HOSHINOYA, you will see trigonotis guilielmii flowers growing in colonies near the mountain villa. Actually, it was very difficult to take a nice picture of them since these tiny flowers were swaying in the breeze all the time. Later, I looked them up in my illustrated book and laughed. The author complains the same thing!  (The author wrote he took more than 30 minutes to take one nice picture!) Its Japanese name, tachikameba-sou, came from the fact that it leaves looks like a turtle shell. Well, I remember for sure that viburnum furcatum also has exactly the same origin!


Lily of the valley (スズラン)

We can see pretty lily-of-the-valley flowers at the corner of the mountain villa in HOSHINOYA Karuizawa. Despite its pretty appearance, this flower is actually toxic. I’ve heard that there are many lily-of-the-valley swaying at the ranch because cows don’t graze this flower. They are clever enough to know that it is poisonous. In Europe, this flower is a symbol of spring. Also, people believe that it signifies the return of happiness. In France, for example, people often give bouquets of lily-of-the-valley flowers to other people in order to express their gratitude.

星のや軽井沢の山路地のお部屋の角にスズランが咲いています。こんなに可愛いのにスズランは有毒!牧場では他の草は全くないのに、スズランだけ沢山咲いているようです。牛にとっても有毒だからですね。ヨーロッパではスズランは春のシンボル。幸せを呼ぶ花と言われていて、フランスではお世話になった人にスズランの花を贈る、『スズランの日 (5/1)』もあるそうです。