Hemerocallis fulva var. kwanso (ヤブカンゾウ)

My colleague commented on the previous post and that encouraged me a lot! This is why I decided to write a new article today!  Today’s flower is Hemerocallis fulva var. kwanso. We can’t ignore the vivid orange.when we pass by. It brooms in the end of the rainy season, and it is considered as one of the typical image of Japanese rural areas. This flower falls in a day, and we call this kind of flower “ichinichi-bana (one day flowers)” in Japanese. It doesn’t make seeds but instead of that, it multiplies its roots in order to grow.



Hydrangea serrata (ヤマアジサイ)


Hello! It’s already the middle of July.Time passes by so quickly! Today, I will show you Hydrangea serrata blooming along the path leading to Tonbo-no-yu hot spring. As this flower tends to bloom in humid areas, some people call it “sawa ajisai (swamp hydrangea)” as well.


ヒヨドリバナ (Eupatorium makinoi)


It’s been a while since I posted last time! It’s already the middle of July and there are many flowers blossoming out around Hoshinoya area.
So, today’s flower is Eupatorium makinoi. It is called hiyodori-bana in Japanese, which literally means “the flower of brown-eared bulbul.” It is called so since this flower starts to bloom when brown-eared bulbul is crying!

ホタルブクロ (Spotted Bellflower)

Flowers of spotted bellflower started to bloom around niwaroji area at Hoshinoya. This flower is called “hotaru-bukuro” in Japanese, literally meaning “firefly bag.”There are two views about the reason why people named like this. The first view is that children used to put fireflies into the flower and play with it. However, it might be a hard task especially for children, as the inside of this flower is too bushy to put insects. Another view is that people in the past compared this flower to a lantern. Since lanterns were also called “hotaru (firefly)” in the old days, people started to call spotted bellflowers “hotaru-bukuro” as well.Well, the latter explanation sits better with me!

星のやの庭路地に咲き始めたホタルブクロ。なぜホタルブクロと呼ぶかについては諸説あるようで…一つ目は子どもたちがこの花の中にホタルを入れて遊んだから、という説。でも実際には花の中は毛がいっぱいで、ホタルを入れるのは難しそう!二つ目は、提灯のことを昔は「火垂 (ほたる)」と呼んでいて、それに例えられて名付けられたという説。こちらの方が、しっくりくるかも!

Rodgersia podophylla (ヤグルマソウ)

Good morning! Today’s flower is rodgersia podophylla which blooms next to the entrance of Hotel Bleston Court. This flower is so fluffy! I’ve never seen such a funny flower. In Japanese, we call this flower yaguruma-sou since the shape of this plant is quite similar to the wheel attached on the on the top of koinobori, or carp streamer. I’ve heard that there are some rodgersia podophylla in Hoshinoya too, but I haven’t found them yet.


Deutzia gracilis (ヒメウツギ)

I finally bought the summer edition of pictorial book of flora today! Some of the flowers coming out around me are not on the spring edition I have anymore. That was why I decided to get the new one. Although it was a little bit expensive, I got one more pleasure now!

Alright, here is today’s flower. Room 214 of Hoshinoya is currently filled with pretty flowers of Deuzia gracilis. The plant is relatively low, with about 30 centimeters in height. For reasons of its durability and beauty, it is frequently grown in the garden, too. It is said that Deutzia gracilis blooms announce the arrival of early summer. I wish summer would come sooner here in Karuizawa!



Spiderwort (ムラサキツユクサ)

This is a picture of spiderwort flower blooming near the mountain villa at Hoshinoya. Although its blue color is astonishingly beautiful, my camera was not excellent enough to take the color. Spiderwort flowers wither in a day, but new flowers will come out one after another so we can enjoy the pretty flowers for a long time. Since hot weather is not suitable for spiderwort flowers to grow, they will wither in half a day if it is very hot. In cloudy days, however, we can see the flowers until the evening.


Locust (ニセアカシア)

Locust tree is one of the most important trees in Hoshinoya since it grows at the center of the site. And happily, the flowers are in full bloom now! It is native in North America, and was introduced to Japan approximately in 1877. Later, it has been widely spread around Japan. Nowadays, this tree is commonly planted as a garden tree or a roadside tree. As locust trees are durable in the ground, they are often used to stabilize erosion-prone slopes. Some people say black locust is same as acacia, but they are not!


Japanese dogwood(ヤマボウシ)

In this season, we can see beautiful Japanese dogwood flowers blooming around Hoshino area. Hoshinoya also has a lot of trees of Japanese dogwood. It seems to be big white flowers at first glance, but actually the real flowers are these small grains in the middle. I’ve heard that the leaves will change color and we can enjoy the completely different scenery in autumn!


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Japanese snowball (オオデマリ)

Yesterday was a happy day! I met a friend at the hot spring and she said she likes reading my articles. Her words cheered me up a lot. Since this friend works for Sonmin-Shokudo, a Japanese restaurant at HOSHINO Area, I will write a article about a flower blooming in front of the restaurant.

This is the picture of Japanese snowball. Japanese name of this flower is o-demari which literally means “a big Japanese handball.” People call so just because this flower is similar to the handball. Actually, there is another flower which is called “small Japanese handball (ko-demari).” I will write about it if I find this flower, too!



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